=== Dev4Press Library === == Changelog == = Version 2.8.20 - 2024.12.03 = * Edit: improved sanitization of the HTML classes = Version 2.8.19 - 2024.11.15 = * Edit: proper sanitization of the HTML classes * Fix: authenticated stored cross-site scripting vulnerability = Version 2.8.18 - 2024.06.07 = * Edit: removed translations MO files = Version 2.8.17 - 2024.05.08 = * Edit: function `json_encode` replaced with `wp_json_encode` * Fixed: minor issue with query log in WPDB wrapper class = Version 2.8.16 - 2023.12.19 = * Updated: mostly rewritten IP handling * Fixed: validation and cleanup of IPs = Version 2.8.15 - 2023.02.18 = * Fixed: some issues with PHP 8.x = Version 2.8.14 - 2021.07.22 = * Updated: widgets interface tweaks for WordPress 5.8 = Version 2.8.13 - 2020.09.10 = * Updated: improved d4p_print_r layout * Fixed: minor PHP 7.4 compatibility problem = Version 2.8.12 - 2020.07.20 = * New: Functions for regex validation * New: Settings fields for Regex * Updated: Function to format file size * Updated: Built-in cacert.pem 20200722 = Version 2.8.11 - 2020.07.06 = * Fixed: Method visibility override for Grid class = Version 2.8.10 - 2020.06.08 = * New: Function for wide list of KSES allowed tags * Updated: Rendering of the plugin settings groups = Version 2.8.9 - 2020.05.26 = * Updated: Few minor changes = Version 2.8.8 - 2020.05.07 = * Updated: Various minor changes = Version 2.8.7 - 2020.04.18 = * Updated: Minor settings object changes = Version 2.8.6 - 2020.04.07 = * Fix: GEOIP issue with the invalid request result = Version 2.8.5 - 2020.02.20 = * Updated: New and updated product icons * Updated: Several styling changes * Updated: Few minor improvements = Version 2.8.4 - 2020.01.30 = * Updated: Few minor improvements = Version 2.8.3 - 2020.01.01 = * Updated: Built-in cacert.pem 20200101 * Fix: In memory cache issue with the multisite setup * Fix: Small issue with PHP 7.4 = Version 2.8.2 - 2019.11.21 = * Updated: Function for icon rendering * Updated: Minor settings object changes * Fix: Few issues with the numerical settings fields = Version 2.8.1 - 2019.10.21 = * Updated: Built-in cacert.pem 20191016 = Version 2.8.0 - 2019.10.14 = * New: Plugin admin Basic class * New: Plugin admin Options class * New: Plugin settings class * Updated: New and updated product icons * Fix: Animated popup class enqueue = Version 2.7.8 - 2019.09.16 = * New: Additional jQuery libraries * Updated: Minor styling improvements = Version 2.7.7 - 2019.09.05 = * Updated: Built-in cacert.pem 20190828 = Version 2.7.6 - 2019.08.05 = * New: Function to check if request is POST * New: Function to return data as JSON and die() * Updated: Improvements to default enqueue function * Updated: Various styling improvements = Version 2.7.5 - 2019.07.22 = * Updated: HTML5 rendering for email and URL options * Updated: Expandable text option can set custom type * Updated: Text option can set custom type * Updated: Various small styling improvements * Fix: Few minor fixes for responsive admin side styling = Version 2.7.4 - 2019.06.30 = * Updated: Rendering of the KB settings buttons * Updated: New and updated product icons = Version 2.7.3 - 2019.06.24 = * Updated: New and updated product icons = Version 2.7.2 - 2019.06.18 = * Updated: Some minor updates to styling = Version 2.7.1 - 2019.06.14 = * New: JS and CSS for new Controls libraries = Version 2.7 - 2019.06.06 = * New: Font includes WOFF2 version * Updated: Font using better addons icons * Updated: Widget script for settings switching * Updated: Styling improvements for widgets * Updated: Various minor PHP code updates = Version 2.6.5 - 2019.05.28 = * Updated: Built-in cacert.pem 20190515 = Version 2.6.4 - 2019.05.23 = * Edit: Few updates to the settings save processing * Edit: Protect all files against direct loading * Edit: Various styling improvements and updates * Fix: Few minor fixes in the settings rendering * Fix: Few minor fixes in some of the functions = Version 2.6.3 - 2019.04.18 = * New: Added extra fields for the Settings pages * Edit: Updated font with new icons = Version 2.6.2 - 2019.04.03 = * New: JS LimitKeyPress library = Version 2.6.1 - 2019.03.22 = * New: Function to get user agent * Edit: Updated font with new icons = Version 2.6 - 2019.03.04 = * Edit: Updated Flags list and sprites * Edit: Reorganized some JS files * Edit: Separate directory for third-party JS libraries * Edit: Improved minification of CSS and JS files = Version 2.5.5 - 2019.02.11 = * Fix: Problem with checkbox/radio hierarchical rendering function = Version 2.5.4 - 2019.01.30 = * Updated: Built-in cacert.pem 20190123 * Edit: Few minor changes to some of the functions * Edit: Imporved attribute escaping when rending the settings forms = Version 2.5.3 - 2019.01.28 = * New: Global variable with WordPress version * New: Functions to check for ClassicPress = Version 2.5.2 - 2018.12.30 = * Improved: CSS minification method and degree * Updated: Built-in cacert.pem 20181205 * Fix: Settings prefix problem get function with dynamic sttings = Version 2.5.1 - 2018.12.10 = * Updated: Improvements to both download file functions = Version 2.5 - 2018.11.12 = * New: Functions to check if IP is in private range * New: Functions to check if URL is on local domain * New: Japanese (ja) translation * New: Croatian (hr) translation * New: Austrian German (de_AT) translation * Updated: Renamed class 'd4p_core_ip' to 'd4p_core_ips' * Updated: Updated list of CloudFare IPv4 and IPv6 ranges * Updated: All existing translation files * Fix: Problems with some of the access functions * Fix: Function to get domain from URL not always working = Version 2.4.4 - 2018.11.05 = * New: Built-in cacert.pem file for CURL operations * New: Constant for the path to the cacert.pem file = Version 2.4.3 - 2018.10.29 = * Updated: Main plugin class with new locale methods = Version 2.4.2 - 2018.10.08 = * Updated: Few styling updates and changes = Version 2.4.1 - 2018.09.18 = * New: More Dev4Press Addons and Club icons = Version 2.4 - 2018.09.10 = * New: Icon for GD Power Search Pro plugin * New: About includes GD Power Search Pro plugin * Updated: Various minor updates and tweaks * Updated: Several small styling updates * Fix: Some dependencies issues in JavaScript * Fix: Broken file names for all translations * Fix: Some strings not avaiable for translation = Version 2.3.6 - 2018.08.15 = * Fix: Some minor JavaScript problems = Version 2.3.5 - 2018.07.30 = * New: Added 18 translations = Version 2.3.4 - 2018.07.15 = * New: Improvements to the metabox styling * Updated: Various minor updates and tweaks = Version 2.3.3 - 2018.07.11 = * New: Improvements to the admin settings rendering = Version 2.3.2 - 2018.06.18 = * New: Function to sanitize file path = Version 2.3.1 - 2018.06.05 = * New: Cookies library, version 2.2.0 = Version 2.3 - 2018.05.24 = * New: Several new icons in font * Updated: Font with icons rebuilt = Version 2.2.7 - 2018.03.20 = * Updated: Few more metabox styling updates = Version 2.2.6 - 2018.03.14 = * Updated: Few more metabox styling updates = Version 2.2.5 - 2018.03.07 = * Updated: Metabox styling updates for Gutenberg editor = Version 2.2.4 - 2018.01.11 = * Updated: Some styling improvements = Version 2.2.3 - 2018.01.08 = * New: Settings Field - Expandable Raw Text * Updated: Minor changes to the JavaScript files = Version 2.2.2 - 2017.12.25 = * New: Interface support for RTL = Version 2.2.1 - 2017.12.01 = * Updated: Improvements to WPDB wrapper class * Updated: Improvements to datetime class = Version 2.2 - 2017.11.08 = * New: Refactored names of various classes * New: Improved organization of the library * New: Simple CSS grid layout * New: Setup Wizard resources * New: Shared about page template for plugins = Version 2.1.2 - 2017.10.06 = * Updated: Minor changes to the Settings rendering * Updated: Few other minor updates to functions * Updated: POT Translation file = Version 2.1.1 - 2017.09.05 = * Updated: Request handling for GEOIP objects * Fixed: Request processing for GEOIP objects = Version 2.1 - 2017.08.15 = * Added: Dedicated Object Cache class = Version 2.0.6 - 2017.08.12 = * Added: Cache Core class * Added: Function to cache posts by ID = Version 2.0.5 - 2017.08.02 = * Added: function to render hierarchical checkboxes control * Added: styling for the hierarchical checkboxes for widgets * Added: function to format URL for campaign * Added: admin related file with the walkers classes = Version 2.0.4 - 2017.07.04 = * Added: GeoIP class = Version 2.0.3 - 2017.06.27 = * Added: settings object type for slug with slashes * Removed: pretty print library to new library = Version 2.0.2 - 2017.06.17 = * Updated: some core classes renamed * Updated: several minor changes = Version 2.0.1 - 2017.05.27 = * New: added readme and changelog files * Updated: styling for responsive checkboxes = Version 2.0 - 2017.05.18 = * New: switched to Git * Removed: units library